Saturday 5 May 2012

Monument in CryENGINE 3

The monument i have designed and constructed in Google SketchUp and then imported into CryENGINE 3 (to further develop along with the landscape and its surroundings), came from the following concepts;

Sigeru Ban: Framing views of the landscape
Sukiya Style: Form follows the landscape

"Electroliquid Aggregation":
Views of the landscape are followed by formed framing

Views are created with 'frame-like' openings.

The form of the monument follows the landscape.

Framing the 'views of the landscape'.

'Light' textures are applied to light weight masses and 'Dark' textures are applied to heavy masses. Shadows also map over the surfaces.

'Formed framing' is enforced with the glass panel detailing and provides views of the landscape beyond.

A space for Architectural Studies, Architectural Computing and Engineering students to meet and exchange ideas.

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