This design feature also allows the model to be thought of as exciting once you notice it, as there is something quite extraordinary in the middle of nowhere, something that most people may never encounter. This also plays with the idea that normal people dont really need to know where the headquarters of coca-cola and facebook are, but if you do, the power of money and influence is evident due to the structure itself and views from the headquarters.
When i think of Coca-Cola in relation to power, I imagine traditional, historical, iconic, well known, popular and something that is 'real'... Subsequently i have tried to mimic these ideas in its headquarters..
When i think of Facebook in relation to power, I imagine new, connecting, influential, technology, sophisticated and something that is 'not so real'... And i have also tried to mimic these ideas in its headquarters..
The elevators resemble something that is more considered 'real' or 'not so real' (coca-cola's elevator shows support and structure whereas facebook's simply floats through the air), but also reflects the ideas listed above!